(Maurice Tézé / Sacha Distel / Michael)
Dalida (France)
Am rond-point sprach ein mann mich an
Als ich mein Büro verliess
Und fragt ob ich ihm sagen kann
Was isst man in Paris
Am liebsten Äpfel und Birnen
Und dann scoubidoubidou-a
Äpfel Äpfel birnen birnen
Und dann scoubidoubidou-a scoubidoubidou
Der Vorschlag schien ihm originell
Und hat ihn so interessiert
Dass er mich darauf ganz formell
Am abend ausgeführt
In einem netten restaurant
Hat er mein menü erprobt
Das er ganz ausgezeichnet fand
Und nun begeistert lobt
Wie schön sind Äpfel und Birnen
Und dann scoubidoubidou-a
Äpfel Äpfel Birnen Birnen
Und dann scoubidoubidou-a scoubidoubidou
Und weil es ihm so herrlich schmeckt
Macht er täglich diese kur
Bis er dann voller schreck entdeckt
Es schadet der figur
Es sei ja ab und zu ganz schön
Wenn man süss früchte hat
Doch müsse er mir eingestehn
Auch früchte machen satt
Nicht immer Äpfel und Birnen
Und dann scoubidoubidou-a
Äpfel Äpfel Birnen Birnen
Und dann scoubidoubidou-a
Scoubidoubidou-a, scoubidoubidou-a
Scoubidoubidou - aha
(Lewis Allan)
Peggy Lee - 1954
Diana Decker - 1955
The Smothers Brothers - 1962
Also recorded by: Josh White
There once was a peddler passing by
His cart with fruit was laden high
And as he drove along he cried
Across the village green
Crying apples, peaches and cherries (Scooby-dooby-scoo-zoo)
Apples (apples), peaches (peaches) and cherries
His daughter sat beside him there
She was young and she was fair
All glowing with a beauty rare
A maid of sweet sixteen
A young lad beckoned from the door
He bought some fruit and then bought more
His longing eyes were begging for
The lovely maid to stay
He sought and found her at the mart
He wooed and won the maiden's heart
And now ten children ride the cart
Across the village green
Crying apples, peaches and cherries (Scooby-dooby-scoo-boo)
Apples (apples), peaches (peaches) and cherries
Now if there is a moral here
Such fruitfulness should make it clear
So shut the window when you hear
A peddler passing by
Crying apples, peaches and cherries (Scooby-dooby-scoo-boo)
Apples (apples), peaches (peaches) and cherries
Apples (apples)
And peaches (asparagus)
And apples (Brussels sprouts)
And peaches (string beans)
And cherries (and broccoli)
And cherries (and zucchini)
No! cherries (and cherries)
And cherries (Scooby-dooby-scoo-boo)
Scooby-dooby-scoo-doo, and (Scooby-dooby-scoo-doo)
Hah-hah-hah, cherries
(Transcribed by Mel Priddle - May 2006)
As recorded by DIANA DECKER:
Apples (apples), peaches (peaches) and cherries (and cherries)
Apples (apples), peaches (peaches) and cherries (and cherries)
There once was a peddler passing by
His cart with fruit was laden high
And as he drove along he'd cry
Across the village green
Crying apples (apples), peaches (peaches) and cherries (and cherries)
Apples (apples), peaches (peaches) and cherries (and cherries)
His daughter sat beside him there
She was young and she was fair
All glowing with a beauty rare
A maid of sweet sixteen
A young lad beckoned from the door
He bought some fruit and then bought more
His longing eyes were begging for
The lovely maid to stay
Crying apples, peaches.......and cherries
Apples, peaches.......and cherries
He sought and found her in the mart
He wooed and won her maiden's heart
And now ten children ride the cart
Across the village green
Now if there is a moral here
Such fruitfulness will make it clear
So shut the window when you hear
A peddler passing by
Crying apples (apples), peaches (peaches) and cherries (and cherries)
Apples (apples), peaches (peaches) and cherries (and cherries)
Apples, peaches
Apples, peaches
Apples, peaches
Cherries (cherries)
(Transcribed by Mel Priddle - November 2002)
SCOUBIDOU (Des Pommes et des Poires et Des ...)
Titre original: "Apple, Peaches and Cherries"
(Lewis Allan / Maurice Tézé) (1958)
Sacha Distel (France)
La rencontrant chez des amis
Je lui dis : Mademoiselle
Que faites-vous donc dans la vie
Eh bien répondit-elle
Je vends des pommes, des poires,
Et des scoubidoubi-ou ah ...
Pommes ? ... (pommes)
Poires ? ... (poires)
Et des Scoubidoubi-ou Ah
On a dansé toute la nuit
Puis au jour, on est partis
Chez moi... discuter de l'amour
De l'amour... et des fruits ...
Comm' elle se trouvait bien, chez moi,
Aussitôt elle s'installa
Et le soir, en guis' de dîner
Elle me faisait manger.
Ca n'pouvait pas durer longtemps
Car les fruits, c'est comme l'amour
Faut en user modérément
Sinon... ça joue des tours.
Quand je lui dis : Faut se quitter...
Aussitôt elle s'écria :
Mon pauvre ami, des typ's comm' toi
On en trouv' par milliers ...
La leçon que j'en ai tirée
Est facile à deviner
Célibatair' vaut mieux rester
Plutôt que de croquer
Scoubidoubi-ou Ah
Scoubidoubi-ou Ah
Scoubidoubi-ou Ah !
(Maurice Tézé / Sacha Distel / Pinchi)
Dalida (France)
Scoubidou bi ou a
Scoubidou bi ou a
Scoubidou bi ou a
Scoubidou bi ou
Io l'incontrai ad un cocktail
Lui mi chiese Mademoiselle
Che cosa fa per vivere
E cosi' riposi allor
' Io vendo pere e mele' e poi scoubidou bi ou a
Pere mele e poi scoubidou bi ou a
Scoubidou bi ou .
Danzammo insieme al cabaret
E fino all'alba delle tre
Parlando sempre con calor di frutta e dell'amor
Con lui assai bene mi trovai
Ed in casa mi installai
Ma pranzo cena e a desinar gli davo da mangiar
La pere le mele e dei scoubidou bi ou a
Pere mele e dei scoubidou bi ou a scoubidou bi ou
Qualunque cosa a esagerar
Finirebbe per stancar
Le frutta rendon con l'amor più deboli di cuor
Mi disse alfine di partir
Ed io finsi di svenir
Ma lui grido' non son per me i tipi come te
La pere le mele e dei scoubidou bi ou a
Pere mele e dei scoubidou bi ou a scoubidou bi ou
scoubidou bi ou a scoubidou bi ou a
Adamo ed Eva al mondo inter
Han svelato già il mister
E meglio sempre soli star piuttosto che mangiar
La pere le mele e dei scoubidou bi ou a
Pere mele e dei scoubidou bi ou a scoubidou bi ou a
Scoubidou bi ou a scoubidou bi ou a
Scoubidou bi ou a