(Wayne Kemp / Mack Vickery)
Wayne Kemp - 1971
Johnny Paycheck - 1981
If they gave awards for best angel
Then, darling, I know you'd win them all
If there was one for every good thing you've done
Then, sweetheart, they'd cover our walls
The first one would be for best lover
'Cause, darling, you've loved me so long
There would be one for bein' the best forgiver
'Cause you forgave me each time I've gone wrong
Then one would stand out above all the others
Yes, above all the others by far
And it would say to the world's greatest mother
'Cause you know what, honey, that's just what you are
On a wall by itself would hang a solid gold plaque
Trimmed with diamonds, silver engraved it would say
To a woman, to a wife who has loved me all her life
And I thank God every day
You know that I thank God every day
(Transcribed by Mel Priddle - January 2012)