Bing Crosby
This is the story of a doll who came home on one night late,
must have been 2-3 am something like that -
Gotta get me some sleep turn of light -
too tired to do any thing, but this is a song about two cats:
Come meout, come meout, come meowt my pretty kitten;
We will sing a little tune.. “Not neeouw”
Come meouwt, come meout, come meout my pretty kitten,
We will serenade the moon. “Not neeouw.
“When the folks got home tonight at 12 or thereabout,
They locked the door and they forget to put meeout.”
Come meout, come meout, come meout my pretty kitten,
Neouw? “Not Neeouw.”
Come meout, come meout, come meout my pretty kitten,
This is me, your boyfriend, Tom. “Nyot neouw.
Come meout, come meout, come meout my pretty kitten,
This is Tom, the atom bomb “Nyot neeouw”
I assure you I’d come out if only I knew how-
They tell me that you really are the Cat’s Meouw
Come meout, come meout , Come meout my pretty kitten,
Neow? (purr, cat sounds, more purring) yes, neouw!
(Contributed by Lee Sartain - December 2007)