Frankie Carle / Groom Johnson / McKenzie 1937
as rec by Jimmy Rushing w Count Basie & his Orch
Jan 3rd 1938 New York
also rec by Red McKenzie & his Orch '37
Sweet Georgianna,
You are just a honey to me.
Sweet Georgianna,
Sweeter than a peach on a tree.
When we're together,
Walkin' side by side,
I feel so proud
Passing the crowd,
My heart just bump with pride!
Sweet Georgianna,
After all the things you've done,
You are the sweetness under the sun,
Rolled into one.
I dreamed of orange blossom,
You know the sign!
Sweet Georgianna,
Tell me when you're gonna be mine!
Sweet Georgianna,
Tell me, tell me,
Tell me when you're gonna be mine!
(Contributed by Peter Akers - March 2009)