(Harold Purcell / Harry Parr-Davies)
Anne Shelton (with Orchestra conducted by Stanley Black)
It all comes back to me now
Unforgotten times and places
Like a call it all comes back to me now
When you were with me somehow
Unfamiliar streets and faces
Held a thrill which too comes back to me now
Love was a label we left on our luggage
The gay little pieces remain
But where are those castles in Spain
Were all of our journeys in vain
I know I give you my vow
Every mile my heart retraces
And the sweetness all comes back to me now
Love was a label we left on our luggage
The gay little pieces remain
But where are those castles in Spain
Were all of our journeys in vain
I know I give you my vow
Every mile my heart retraces
And the sweetness all comes back to me now
(Contributed by Bill Huntley - January 2004)