(Murphy / Hargreaves)
as recorded by
Carole Carr & Backing Group
with Geraldo & his Orchestra
The snow was very plentiful and crumbs were very few,
As a weatherbeaten sparrow through a mansion window flew.
Her eyes fell on a golden cage, a sweet love song she heard,
Sung by a pet canary there, a handsome yellow bird!
He said to her, "Miss Sparrow,
I've been struck by Cupid's arrow!
Will you share my cage with me?"
She looked up at his castle,
With its ribbon and its tassel,
And in plaintive tones said she -
"Goodbye little yellow bird, I'd gladly mate with you.
I love you, little yellow bird, but I love my freedom too!
So goodbye little yellow bird, I'd rather brave the cold
On a leafless tree than a prisoner be, in a cage of gold!"
(Goodbye little yellow bird, I'd gladly mate with you.
I love you, little yellow bird, but I love my freedom too!
So it's goodbye now little yellow bird, I'd rather brave the cold
On a leafless tree than a prisoner be, in a beautiful cage of gold!)
(Goodbye little yellow bird, I'd gladly mate with you.
I love you, little yellow bird, but I love my freedom too!
So goodbye) little yellow bird, I'd rather brave the cold
On a leafless tree than a prisoner be, in a cage of gold!
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye little yellow bird!
(Transcribed by Peter Akers - September 2020)