fr "Martha" ballet 1848
Friedrich Van Flotow
as rec by Connee Boswell & ensemble w Bob Crosby's Bopbcats
Nov 13th 1937 Los Angeles
also rec by-
Bea Wain w Larry Clinton & his Orch '38
The Adrian Rollini Trio '40
Ah! So pure,
Ah! So bright
Bursts her beauty on my sight.
Oh! So mild,
So divine,
She beguiled
This heart o' mine.
'Reft of these
Ere she came,
Dark the future seemed to loom;
Till her clear
Brilliant sphere,
New with light, dispelled the gloom.
Woe! She fled,
Quickly sped
All my joy in fleatin' gleams!
As I wake,
Hope forseke,
Robbon' me of godlike dreams,
Of godlike dreams, oh!
Ah! So pure,
Ah! So bright
Bursts her beauty on my sight.
Oh! So mild,
So divine,
She beguiled
This heart o' mine.
Martha Martha,
Martha Martha,
Martha Martha,
Martha, Martha!
Canst thou leave me
Thus forsaken,
Come and share thy boon with me!
Share, shasre thy boon with me,
Yeah, with me!
Oh, Martha!
Woe! She fled,
Quickly sped
All my joy in fleatin' gleams!
As I wake,
Hope forseke,
Robbon' me of godlike dreams,
Of godlike dreams, oh!
Ah! So pure,
Ah! So bright
Bursts her beauty on my sight.
Oh! So mild,
So divine,
She beguiled
This heart o' mine.
Martha Martha,
Thou hast taken
Ev'ry bliss away with thee!
Canst thou leave me
Thus forsaken,
Come and share thy boon with me!
Yeah, with me!
Oh, Martha!
(Transcribed by Peter Akers - July 2011)