Leon Pober
Joe Leahy and the RKO Orchestra and Chorus
Never get moonstruck in Madrid;
I ought to know, because I did.
I should have run away and hid,
But she was beautiful.
Love every moment she passed by;
There was a moonbeam in the sky
Looking around, and so was I;
And she was beautiful.
I was due to go to Rome,
And then fly home;
But all my trips
Were to her lips,
And not to Rome.
I had a ticket for the plane, But not remain;
But even though
It was years ago,
I'm still insane.
The senorita flipped my lid
When I was moonstruck in Madrid.
I was a fool for what I did,
But she was beautiful.
(Contributed by Lou Rugani - The Music of the Stars - March 2009)