(Glover / Kind)
as recorded by Gus Elen
I keep the pub, the Rose And Crown,
I should say it keeps me,
For that I got me customers to thank!
Some folks say that drinks a curse,
It hasn't ruined me,
Why bless ya, I got hundreds in the bank!
The neighbourhood supports me,
Though they can't support theirselves,
And as strong drink is a evil, I admit,
To benefit me customers,
As strong drink is a cuss,
Why every night I waters it a bit!
When biz is slack and nothing's being drank,
I give me customers this bit o' swank -
What is better than a half a pint o' beer?
Why, a quart of it, that's right!
That's what I sing as their pots I fill,
The more they fill their glasses up,
The more it fills the till!
Oh, what is better than to see it disappear
Down the throats at the Rose And Crown?
But they wouldn't touch a sup
If they saw me mix it up,
But I do like to see 'em get it down!
Our Christmas club, held twice a year,
Brings me a ton of splosh,
The geeses cost me four and six apiece.
And what with drinks,
Each goose it costs me customers a quid,
It's the members of the goose club what's the geese!
The glass blowers society,
What blows froth off their glass,
To use no other pub was never known!
Good beer never hurts a man,
I like good beer meself,
And that is why I never drinks me own!
The kids can't come and drag their parents out,
And ruin trade; I bless the law and shout -
What is better than a half a pint o' beer?
Why, a quart of it!
That's what I sing as their pots I fill,
The more they fill their glasses up,
The more it fills the till!
Oh, what is better than to see it disappear
Down the throats at the Rose And Crown?
But they wouldn't touch a sup
If they saw me mix it up,
But I do like to see 'em get it down!
(Transcribed by Peter Akers - November 2017)