Hughie Charles / Sonny Miller / Joe Lubin 1944
as rec by Denny Dennis w Paul Fenhoulet & The Skyrockets Dance Orch 1940's
also rec by-
Leslie Hutchinson
Anne Shelton w Ambrose & his Orch
Till stars forget to shine,
You'll be forever in this heart of mine.
Till Autumn leaves no longer fall,
You'll be my life, my love, my all!
Till rivers cease to flow,
You'll be the only love I'll ever know!
And life will be a dream divine
Until the stars forget to shine.
With you,
I'll never fear the hour before the dawn.
With you,
I'll greet the sun as each new day is born.
And as our dreams grow old,
We'll tell the sweetest story ever told,
For I am yours and you are mine
Until the stars forget to shine!
(Contributed by Peter Akers - January 2010)