Irving Berlin 1942
as rec by Fred Astaire w Bob Crosby & his Orch
May 27th 1942 Los Angeles
also rec by Gracie Barrie w Dick Stabile & his Orch
I could dance nightly,
Just holding you tightly,
My sweet;
I could keep right on
Because you're so light on
Your feet!
You're easy to dance with;
There is no doubt in
The way we stand out in
The crowd.
Though it's called dancing,
To me it's romancing
Out loud!
You're easy to dance with;
Loving you
The way I do
Makes you easy to dance with!
That is why
I'm always right on the beat!
All those charms
And one man's arms
Makes you easy to dance with!
I can hardly keep my mind on my feet!
Let's dance for ever,
Come on, say we'll never
Be through!
It's so easy to dance with you!
Loving you
The way I do
Makes you easy to dance with!
That is why
I'm always right on the beat!
All those charms
And one man's arms
Makes you easy to dance with!
I can hardly keep my mind on my feet!
So let's dance for ever,
Come on, say we'll never
Be through!
It's so easy to dance with you!
(Contributed by Peter Akers - June 2010)