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International Lyrics Playground Request System
NOTICE REGARDING REQUESTS: Remember : 2 requests every 30 days / pre-1985 only
We research requests for up to two weeks.
Please "whitelist" for your email. We will not fill out "permission forms"
Requests for lyrics already archived will be discarded.
Our international volunteers try very hard to fill as many requests as possible. Not only do we perform intense web searches we also locate and transcribe lyrics from recorded media to fill as many as possible. Our services are obligation-free however your donation of a dollar or two when you use it will help us defray our web site operating costs and would be a darn nice thing to do. :o)
Please be patient as we really do receive an enormous amount of requests. Thank you very much.

International Lyrics Playground > International Lyrics Playground Request System > Submit a ticket

Submit a ticket

Please use the form below to submit a ticket. Required fields are marked with *

Name: *
E-mail: *

Category: *